Sunday, October 28, 2007

Är Hungrig...

Är hungrig, vill ha något gott att tugga på men jag åt inte för så jätte länge sedan men det verkar som om nudlarna inte riktigt räcker till vilket stör mig lite. Kanske borde försöka börja laga lite mer mat och fixa mig ordentliga middagar. Problemet är bara att det blir så jävla mycket disk fast å andra sidan gör man stora portioner så är det ganska värt att bara plocka fram ur frysen.

Har styrt upp mitt lampproblem i mitt sovrum samt att jag har benat i min sängproblematiken, var bara tvungen vet att det är ett ganska torrt skämt men ah vad gör man inte för att skratta lite. Får väl försöka diska lite också så kanske man får läst någon mer sida om man är duktig. Kanske lika bra att inte Victor dök upp trots allt, fick ju gjort lite små saker.

* Asthma Makes Lars Sexy...
Mer finns naturligtvis på min Bilddagbok som är

Depeche Mode - Something To Do

My little girl
Won't you come with me
Come with me
And tell me

Is there something to do
Is there something to do
Is there something to do
Is there something to do

I'm going crazy with boredom
Come with me
Tell me

Is there something to do
Is there something to do
Is there something to do
Is there something to do

Grey sky over a black town
I can feel depression
All around
You've got your leather boots on

Is there something to do
Is there something to do
Is there something to do
Is there something to do

I can't stand another drink
It's surprising this town
Doesn't sink
You've got your leather boots on

Is there something to do
Is there something to do
Is there something to do
Is there something to do

Your pretty dress is oil stained
From working too hard
For too little
You've got your leather boots on

Is there something to do
Is there something to do
Is there something to do
Is there something to do

You're feeling the boredom too
I'd gladly go with you
I'd put your leather boots on

Is there something to do
Is there something to do
Is there something to do
Is there something to do

Is there something to do
Is there something to do
Is there something to do
Is there something to do

Is there something to do
Is there something to do
Is there something to do
Is there something to do

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